and peace be unto you and may God’s Blessings overtake you
and your family this day.
challenged me with a vision to start a new church (Holy Nation Church).
A church with a safe environment where people can come and hear
the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. A churched where one
could actually exercise Godly faith, by helping communities, cities
and the world.
invite you to look at Holy Nation, here you will find a vision with
ministries that will help you build meaningful relationships and
grow in faith. Holy Nation is a church which has a comprehensive
vision for God’s people.
are non-traditional in style and deeply committed to the eternal
truths of the Christian faith. We are striving to communicate the
Bible in creative, compelling and contemporary ways. Together, we
are becoming the kind of church described in the Bible, a church
with relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, honest friendships,
constant prayer and compassionate care for those in need.
Perpener, Jr.
Senior Pastor, HNC
my friends and thank you so much for visiting us. I am excited for
the vision which God has given my husband Andrew.
members of Holy Nation Church are wonderful, warm and friendly.
We are a Christ centered loving family of believers who are dedicated
to fulfilling the vision that God has given.
am thankful for having a significant role in the development and
daily operations of the church. I serve as Co Pastor and Chief Operations
Officer. I am a preacher’s kid and had no idea that my early
childhood development was indeed training for what God had for my
you are searching for a spiritual home that is Word based, Worshipful
and full of Empowerment, consider Holy Nation Church of Memphis.
HNC is constantly growing, evolving and pursuing to help those in
need, physically, socially and spiritually.
love you and thank you for your interest and feel free to contact
me at
with Jesus’s Joy
Co-Pastor |